FAQ for Aroma Diffuser
The FAQ is the frequently asked questions by our customers when they use our aroma diffuser. But if you have some further questions and need further help for our products, please feel free to contact us for more information.
A: Contact us or our distributor to help you troubleshoot your diffuser first, then we will provide after –sale service based on the condition and terms.
A: Wipe down your diffuser using a damp cloth after every other use. Clean the ultrasonic plate at the bottom of the reservoir with a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to reduce the chance of essential oil residue buildup.
A: With proper cleaning and maintenance, a ultrasonic aroma diffuser will last about 5,000 hours. To put this in perspective, if you run your oil diffuser for eight hours per day, your electric diffuser will mist at full capacity for 22 months. Beyond that time, the ultrasonic disc at the bottom of the reservoir may decline causing it to gradually produce less mist.
A: We do not recommend using distilled water. Water that includes natural minerals diffuses better than distilled water. Wipe out your diffuser with a damp cloth after every other use to prevent the minerals and essential oil residue from building up.
A: All of our aroma diffusers will turn off when the diffuser is out of water.
A: Typically, cold water does not diffuse well. For maximum mist, wait a few minutes while the diffuser runs and then the water will become lukewarm, which is the perfect temperature for producing ultrasonic mist.
We take great care to make sure no diffuser shell contains a plastic chemical called bisphenol (BPA).
We provide 12-month warranty only for quality-related issues.
Should you need any further information, please feel free to contact us!